Saturday, April 18, 2009

Come to France but Don't Do This!

Don't get sick. What a way to ruin everyone's holiday. I spend all my time in the shower
trying to steam myself healthy. I have no idea how Abe can sleep through my night long
groaning, getting up, lieing down, coughing, sneezing, coughing some more, getting up.
He's either on some pretty strong drugs or he's faking it!

I've been miserable since Thursday and I'm just about at the end of my rope. I had to go
out Thursday with a colleague of Abe's and his wife who came in on the TGV from Germany.
They wanted to quickly check out Montmartre and then eat. We did all this but it was cold
and drizzly and I was not the best company.

Since then our time here has consisted of pretty much doing nothing. Luckily for Abe he had
work to do during the week. Today we found a movie theatre and that is as exciting as it
has been. I think our yoga meditation is out for Sunday....they would not want me there sneezing and coughing all over everyone.

Next week can only be better.

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