Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bonjour Xavier, nice to meet you too...could you put your pants on now!

The title grabs your attention doesn't it? Imagine us all going to Sam's and a new student, male joins us, and calmly undresses in front of us and puts on his yoga wear. That's pretty much life here in France -- it takes a bit of getting used to and just annoys the hell out of me that I'm such an uptight person! However, we had a handshake and a chat and all was well.

I promise to quit going on about yoga....I know it will wear you all out.

Life is settling into some level of normalcy. Up early, yoga, home to prepare a lunch and meet with Abe. Abe starts work at about 11 a .m. since we are on strange hours compared to Australia and the U.S. It is almost impossible for him to talk to Australia unless he starts at midnight. Around 6 p.m we do a mad dash to find some supper and then Abe goes back to work.

Benj is off to Morocco next. This is a sponsored trip through the institute he is studying with. Apparently they've been meeting once a week to prepare them for their culture shock. Various Moroccans of different faiths have met with them to help them with their short immersion into the culture. It will be an experience. If anyone can handle it, it will be Benj. He spent 10 summers in the Canadian bush with no electricity, water, showers, toilets etc. He can cope.

Abe goes away next week so it will be an adventure to be here completely on my own. I think that is a first given all the times I've been in France. We hope to go to Giverny this weekend, by train and bicycle to see where Monet got his inspiration. I know absolutely NOTHING about art so it will be an adventure. I'm' good in a museum for about one hour then I turn into a whiny little 5 year old...are we done yet? when are we going to eat? I'm thirsty, etc. You get the picture. Luckily Abe is used to it.

We are invited to a meditation at the yoga studio on Sunday night and then a vegetarian dinner. we've decided to go. It is the only way we can really join into French culture in even a tiny way. Everyone is friendly in a polite but cool way.....this is as up close and personal as we will be allowed to get. Might as well go for it.

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